Friday, November 14, 2014

The Creapy Squiid Spider

I was out side a while ago with my new bug vacuum and there was a really creepy squid spider.  I was to scared to vacuum it but I did . It looked dead but it was alive. Does anyone know what it is?

Writing a Good Book

I love to write books. It is also kind of easy. here is what you need to make one:

. Construction Paper
. Half Paper (as many as you need to make a book)
. A Pen Or Pencill
. Crayons or Colored Pencils

1. Fold you construction paper in half.
2. Write your story and illistrate it before you staple your book.
3. Decorate your cover with any thing you want.
Remember to  describe everything you say and try to hook the reader into the book. Like " It was a sunny day on holly street" or something like that. A book would be a great cristmas gift:)

Another nice blog

Hi. I'm Angie. I am 9 years old. I have a sister named maddie. She is 6.  She has a blog to with lots of fun stuff on it. It tells you how to make a cardbord doll. She is really good at making them. Her blog adress is she will be looking forward to having some coments.