Friday, November 14, 2014

The Creapy Squiid Spider

I was out side a while ago with my new bug vacuum and there was a really creepy squid spider.  I was to scared to vacuum it but I did . It looked dead but it was alive. Does anyone know what it is?

Writing a Good Book

I love to write books. It is also kind of easy. here is what you need to make one:

. Construction Paper
. Half Paper (as many as you need to make a book)
. A Pen Or Pencill
. Crayons or Colored Pencils

1. Fold you construction paper in half.
2. Write your story and illistrate it before you staple your book.
3. Decorate your cover with any thing you want.
Remember to  describe everything you say and try to hook the reader into the book. Like " It was a sunny day on holly street" or something like that. A book would be a great cristmas gift:)

Another nice blog

Hi. I'm Angie. I am 9 years old. I have a sister named maddie. She is 6.  She has a blog to with lots of fun stuff on it. It tells you how to make a cardbord doll. She is really good at making them. Her blog adress is she will be looking forward to having some coments.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Chestnut Cooking

Today I went to the Montclare Art Museum and picked up some chest nuts. Well not today. A while ago. When we got home, i cooked 5 out of the 8. 1 exploded. It was funny.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Biggest Animal On Earth

Blue whales must be really proud. Guess why.  They are the biggest animals on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are 170 tones and 98 feet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They would probably knock down a red wood tree, that's how heavy they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would be scared of one if I saw one. Wold you?????????????????

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Fun Fairy Craft To Do: Making A Fairy House

Making a fairy house is easy. All you have to do is collect supplies. Here is a list of what you will need- twigs or sticks, tree bark, leaves, grass, and thing to decorate your fairy house. If you have a tree stump, that would be useful. If you don't, then just find a nice fairy house hiding spot. Start by taking your twigs or sticks and build a T.P or a rectangle with them. (Tip- if you choose to build a rectangle, then put you twigs or sticks sticking up right. If you choose a T.P then make them slanted sticking up right.) Once you finish that, you can make the roof. When I made my fairy house, I made the roof out of tree bark and some dried grass on top. You choose what to use. the leaves could also be used for a roof. If you want to make a better house that is more sturdy, then make a house out of bark. To do that, stick the bark in the  ground. (Tip- if you make a tree bark house, then it should be in a place were the ground is a little wet. That will make sticking the bark into the ground easier.) You could also make a tree bark roof on that. Once you are completely done with your house, you could use any thing to decorate it. But just remember, don't touch any plant that you don't know what it is.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Millions of fairy talent to choose from

There are millions of fairy talents to choose from. For example, a water fairy, a garden fairy, or even an everything fairy! Could you name some. You could even make one up if you don't think it exists!

Everything Fairies

Well, this isn't really true, but I made up a fairy called an everything fairy. They have every talent that a fairy could have. If you were a fairy, what talent would you want to be? I would want to be a dance fairy or a party fairy because I love dance music. So what talent would you want to be?

Friday, July 25, 2014

Finding a Rock Called "Pumice"

Pumice is a rock that has lots of holes. If its not  pumice but it has lots of holes, then it will not flote. Pumice flotes because it was made by lava and the lava turned to lava bublles and hardened up. That is how to find Pumice.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

How to Spot a Fairy

Do you know what you need to spot a fairy? You need a fairy house, a doll house a fairy garden, a small snack, or something shiny. If you have a doll house, you could set it up. But if you don't, then buy a fairy house making kit. Then paint your fairy house. If you want, you could also use a fairy garden and plant seeds. Be  sure to have a small snack out for the fairies. If you have a small mirror, set that out to because fairies love them and other shiny things. And that is how to spot a fairy.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

About a Few Rocks

Even though I know the answers, do you you know the colors of granite? What about the color that an emerald is? If you know the answer, please let me know. Then I'll tell you if you are rite or wrong!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Me and My Tooth Fairy

Have you ever communicated with any fairy, even your tooth fairy? I have. And if you have, what is her or his name? Mine is Emily. Has your tooth fairy ever left you a letter? Again, my tooth fairy has. If you want your tooth fairy to, leave it a letter. Ask her or him  to stay at your house. How do you do that? If you have a doll house, set it up then your tooth fairy might just want to stay. I really hope you try this. Oh, I forgot, first you have to loose a tooth.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Do you know how tall a fairy is? 7 inches. Do you know what fairies smell like to us? Cinnamon. Do you know what they sound like to us? Bells. Do you know how light fairies are? As light as a feather.


Did you know that rocks are in almost every thing we us? The most important thing that is made up of rock is the earth. The earth is made up of many layers of rock. Here is a diagram I made:


This blog is about rocks and fairies,because, I love rocks, and I love fairies. This is the first blog I have ever made. I am also adding in some other things to make it more interesting. Some things I will be adding are things like arts and crafts.