Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Me and My Tooth Fairy

Have you ever communicated with any fairy, even your tooth fairy? I have. And if you have, what is her or his name? Mine is Emily. Has your tooth fairy ever left you a letter? Again, my tooth fairy has. If you want your tooth fairy to, leave it a letter. Ask her or him  to stay at your house. How do you do that? If you have a doll house, set it up then your tooth fairy might just want to stay. I really hope you try this. Oh, I forgot, first you have to loose a tooth.


  1. Excellent advice Angie. I wish I had thought of that when I was little.
    Love, Grandma

  2. Hey Angie, next time you loose a tooth let me know so that I can put the tooth under my pillow in order to see the tooth fairy

  3. Hi josie. no i will not give my tooth to you because i want to see my tooth fairy

  4. Our tooth fairy is named Jane. She's a personal friend of Rosie's, and wishes she had a nice name like Rosie, instead of a plain one like Jane.

    Aunt Jennie


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